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Donna Farhi on Yoga Nidra

Donna Farhi on Yoga Nidra

From our Yoga teacher, Donna Farhi ..."Recently I taught a weekend workshop on the practice of Yoga Nidra in Hobart, Tasmania. After reading the evaluations from the fifty people who attended, I was struck by how many of the participants commented on their desire to...

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I breathe In

This wonderful poem by Anne Powell was recently shown to me by a lovely Yoga student. Feels good to share it. Enjoy! I breathe inI am landI breath outI am listening I breathe inI am riverI breath outI am flowing I breathe inI am kauriI breath outI am strong I breathe...

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A Year of Yoga

A Year of Yoga

Last year I taught a lot of Yoga! So much so that by November I was rather tired, exhausted even. I found that I was way out of balance, working late to keep up with the workload, waking up early when our daughter Tula wakes up. The sleep deprivation was certainly not helping re-gain my vitality.

I felt that my regular classes on Waiheke were suffering somewhat from my tiredness.

I turned up to each class of course but often with only a vague idea of what I would teach. Part of this was actually useful and interesting … how do I teach when I’m under this amount of pressure? Can I improvise class after class?

It was in fact engaging simply to turn up to class and meet whoever walked through the classroom door, and create on-the-fly classes and sequences geared right to these students exactly as they were in that moment.

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Moving Towards Our True Nature

Moving Towards Our True Nature

I have been studying the the iRest approach to Yoga Nidra recently and in the teaching manual, founder and teacher Richard Miller talks about the qualities of our true nature:

Loving, Kindness, Presence, Unconditional, Peaceful, Friendliness, Unattached, Happy, Joyfulness, Faith, Trusting, Transparency, Mindfulness, Responsive, Purity, Truthfulness, Contentment, Luminous, Powerful, Knowing, Full, Empty, Tender, Spontaneous, Authentic, Creative, Intimate, Complete, Aware (and more).

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Raw Brownies

I recently shared these delicious treats at the end of a class and everyone was unanimous in their delight! This simple yet stunning recipe comes from a great raw food website called My New Roots, which is by chef Sarah Britten - do check it out - some amazing recipes...

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Supported Reclined Bound Angle Posture

Supported Reclined Bound Angle Posture

Once experienced there is little doubt of the benefits of Restorative Yoga. There are many Restorative postures, but often my students' favourite is Supported Reclined Bound Angle Posture (in Sanskrit, Salamba Supta Baddha Konasana). In this posture we lie back onto a...

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What is Restorative Yoga?

What is Restorative Yoga?

Read The Eight Essentials Of Restorative Yoga >> A few years ago I enrolled on a Yoga Teacher Training course for a year at the Yoga Academy Auckland - I was on a mission to learn more and more about this practice and to equip myself with as much knowledge as I...

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Chinese Symbol For Presence

I recently took an early morning private group for yoga here on Waiheke at the Marae. It was a very beautiful start to a few days ... practicing as the sun was rising, casting a beautiful light on the ocean shore just down from where we were. We're blessed on Waiheke...

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The Heart Moving

The Heart Moving

Each morning, awakening fresh and vibrant
And the night, not a collapse in a heap, exhausted,
but a presence to the wonderful art of resting.
Liquid pouring onto the earth,
Meeting the end with a breathing, beating heart,
And be held with great love
And turn and wonder, “My beloved, how does kindness move here?

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