Supported Reclined Bound Angle Posture

Supported Reclined Bound Angle Posture

Once experienced there is little doubt of the benefits of Restorative Yoga. There are many Restorative postures, but often my students’ favourite is Supported Reclined Bound Angle Posture (in Sanskrit, Salamba Supta Baddha Konasana). In this posture we lie back...
What is Restorative Yoga?

What is Restorative Yoga?

Read The Eight Essentials Of Restorative Yoga >> A few years ago I enrolled on a Yoga Teacher Training course for a year at the Yoga Academy Auckland – I was on a mission to learn more and more about this practice and to equip myself with as much knowledge...

Chinese Symbol For Presence

I recently took an early morning private group for yoga here on Waiheke at the Marae. It was a very beautiful start to a few days … practicing as the sun was rising, casting a beautiful light on the ocean shore just down from where we were. We’re blessed...
The Heart Moving

The Heart Moving

Each morning, awakening fresh and vibrant
And the night, not a collapse in a heap, exhausted,
but a presence to the wonderful art of resting.
Liquid pouring onto the earth,
Meeting the end with a breathing, beating heart,
And be held with great love
And turn and wonder, “My beloved, how does kindness move here?

How babies learn to move

Two wonderful videos, created by Feldenkrais teachers, showing how babies learn to move. These patterns of movement are foundations for how we move as adults. Great to explore these in a yoga and dance practice.  ...

Donna Farhi on video

Wonderful to see Donna practice … inspiring to see the fluid movement, the integrity of the movement, the breath and stillness … all present in the practice. Enjoy and be inspired! Lovely music too.  ...
All About Yoga Mats

All About Yoga Mats

I recently bought ten new mats for my classes here on Waiheke and did what practically every other yoga studio and school does which was buy pvc based mats … they are relatively cheap and last a while, quite sticky and not hard to clean. I noticed a rather...

The Blessings of John O’Donohue

Over the last few months I have very much been enjoying the writings and poetry of John O’Donohue. A writer of unique power to me (and many others), John captured a great sense of wonder of the natural world and a deep wisdom and kindness born from a life of...

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