The Heart Moving

The Heart Moving

Each morning, awakening fresh and vibrant
And the night, not a collapse in a heap, exhausted,
but a presence to the wonderful art of resting.
Liquid pouring onto the earth,
Meeting the end with a breathing, beating heart,
And be held with great love
And turn and wonder, “My beloved, how does kindness move here?

Feeling Stressed? Yoga Can Help

There is little doubt that our modern way of living is stressful. Stress is endemic in our society and is proven to be a major contributing factor to headaches, anxiety, insomnia, back pain, and even life threatening illnesses such as heart disease. Not withstanding...

On Gratitude For Another Year

It’s the end of another year – seems like the older we get the quicker time moves! It’s been a big year for us with the birth of our beautiful baby girl Tula. She has come with many teachings for us, learning patience, endless kindness, being with...

I Want To Be Ordinary

A couple of years ago Sacha and I were walking the Camino De Santiago, an 8ookm pilgrimage across northern Spain. An incredible journey, one of the best experiences of my life. Rich, rewarding and certainly challenging, it became a walking meditation that we just...

About Vulnerability

Looking down at our baby Tula at 3am a few days ago and she seemed so utterly vulnerable. She is fully and absolutely reliant on either Sacha or myself for survival. It is quite a responsibility. And it is also an amazing opportunity! For what I recognise is the inner...

Long Days, Short Years

Someone said to me yesterday that with a baby, the days are long and the years are short. Mmmm, I can already see what they mean. It’s been just about 4 weeks since the birth of our baby girl, and it seems like 4 months and yet on another level it’s all...

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