Last month I attended a wonderful seven day iRest Yoga Nidra retreat in Melbourne with Anne Douglas and Fuyuko Toyota. They are such wonderful teachers indeed – a beautiful experience. About half way through there was rich discussion on being vulnerable. It stirred up a lot of emotions for me and I spent much of the next 24 hours writing and journaling. Eventually, a poem arrived … I thought I’d share it …

Your Shining Vulnerability

Your being vulnerable is a gift
Offering me a world of compassion.
Warm gratitude indeed,
For your willingness to reveal and open yourself.
Your heart transparent and clear;
True, strong, resilient and natural.

And there is a kindness here arising for myself,
Who for countless lost years has suppressed vulnerability;
Closed off, fearful of judgment, rejection and abandonment.
Now I see – this is no fault of mine,
Just another story visiting.

Your being vulnerable is a shining, generous light.
Now trust begins to blossom,
And a permission is quietly arising
To open to what I have hidden for so long.

Ah … this light … is a lover of love!
And the silence inside is magnified a thousand times.
With humility, awe, and a tender presence,
I am with you.

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