
Spring Yoga Weekend Retreat
with Neal Ghoshal

29-30th September, 2018

Sanctuary Hill Retreat
New Plymouth, Taranaki

$185 (tuition only, accommodation options are available)

021 081 66486

Renewal, Spring Yoga Retreat at Sanctuary Hill Retreat, New Plymouth

Active and Restorative Yoga
iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation
Kirtan Chanting

The body has a remarkable capacity for self-renewal. With the practices of mindful, easeful active and Restorative Yoga, iRest Yoga Nidra and Kirtan chanting, we will create exceptionally favourable conditions which naturally support our renewal and restoration.

Join Neal for this special weekend retreat – discover a delightful Yoga which nourishes our body, mind and spirit and regenerates our energy and passion for life.

Saturday 11am-1pm, then 3-6pm
Saturday evening Kirtan 7.30-8.45pm
Sunday 9:30-12pm

NOTE: On the Friday evening – 28th September, Sacha Paddy will also be offering an optional 5Rhythms Dance class, open to all.

The weekend retreat is open to all levels – students, teachers, and anyone interested in Yoga, meditation, kindness and self-care.

Further information & bookings:  |  021 081 66486

Sanctuary Hill Retreat
109 Veale Rd, Ridgewood
New Plymouth 4371
map here >>

Neal Ghoshal

Neal has been practicing yoga for twenty years and teaching since 2003. He sees yoga as a guide to restoring our place and understanding of who we are and how we can live peacefully, happily and completely fulfilled.

Neal’s teaching focuses on exploring and refining natural movement and alignment principles – learning to embody these principles in a way that takes our spiritual practice into our everyday lives.

“My aim in teaching is to create a kind, safe and inviting space in which to learn and discover Yoga as a balance between effort and effortlessness, structural alignment and organic fluidity, mindfulness and spontaneity.

More about Neal here >>

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