The Spine in Motion

Spinal Awareness and Back Care with Yoga
with Neal Ghoshal

Saturday 6th April 2024

10am-12.30pm, $50
($40 when booked with the Big Relax in the afternoon)

Morra Hall, Oneroa, Waiheke Island

Book Here >>


Saturday 6th April 2024

10am-12.30pm, $50
($40 when booked with the Big Relax in the afternoon)

Morra Hall, Oneroa, Waiheke Island

Book Here >>

Spinal Awareness and Back Care with Yoga

In this workshop we investigate:

  • How to keep your spine easeful and safe in Yoga
  • Easy practices for a healthy and happy back
  • Discover how the spine moves and explore the natural curvature and structure of the spine
  • The where, why and how to stabilise and strengthen your spine

Suitable and open to all Yoga levels – students, teachers, and all interested in Yoga, movement and creating ease for their backs.

Further information phone Neal on 021 180 7867 or email

To book your place, please complete the form below >>

The Morra Hall
115 Ocean View Road,
Oneroa, Waiheke.
map here >>

Neal Ghoshal, Yoga teacher, trainer, meditation and musician

Neal Ghoshal

Neal has been practicing yoga for over twenty years and teaching since 2003. He sees yoga as a guide to restoring our place and understanding of who we are and how we can live peacefully, happily and completely fulfilled.

Neal’s teaching focuses on exploring and refining natural movement and alignment principles – learning to embody these principles in a way that takes our spiritual practice into our everyday lives.

“My aim in teaching is to create a safe and inviting space in which to learn and discover Yoga as a balance between effort and effortlessness, structural alignment and organic fluidity, mindfulness and spontaneity.”

Neal is a director and core faculty on Contemporary Yoga Teacher Training >>

More about Neal here >>

Book Your Place

Please Note:
Payment options: Internet Banking or Credit Card via Stripe.

If you are paying by Internet Banking please pay within two (2) days from the booking. We will email you the banking details.


Bank Account Details

Sacred Moves Ltd

Please arrive at least 15 minutes early so that we are ready to begin on time.

We suggest wearing layers of clothes which are easy to move in and you can adjust so the temperature is right for you. If you have your own Yoga mat and/or a Yoga bolster or some blankets, please do bring these – for your own extra comfort and warmth.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email Neal at or phone on 021 180 7867.

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