The Big Relax

Restorative Yoga with Neal Ghoshal

Saturday 6th April 2024
2-4.30pm, $50 ($40 when booked with The Spine In Motion)
Morra Hall, Waiheke Island

More InfoBook Now

Come and discover the deep rest of Restorative Yoga – the perfect place and time to wind down, renew and restore.

This 2½ hour relaxation class will include gentle movement, Restorative Yoga postures, breath awareness and Yoga Nidra Meditation (iRest®).

By relaxing deeply and consciously we allow tension to release, we allow our bodies to soften, for our energy to flow more feely. By re-connecting with our ‘natural’ relaxed self, as Yoga teacher Judith Lasater says, we restore and renew ourselves.

While we will provide Yoga props such as mats, bolsters and blankets, if you do have your own, please do bring them. Especially some extra blankets!

More about Restorative Yoga here >>
Read Neal’s blog on The Eight Essentials Of Restorative Yoga >>

If you have any questions please email Neal on or phone him on 021 180 7867.

Find out more about Neal here >>

The Morra Hall is at:
115 Ocean View Road
Oneroa, Waiheke.
A short 3 minute walk from Oneroa village.
map here >>

Book Your Place

Please Note:
Payment options: Internet Banking or Credit Card via Stripe.

If you are paying by Internet Banking please pay within two (2) days from the booking. We will email you the banking details.


Bank Account Details

Sacred Moves Ltd

Please arrive at least 15 minutes early so that we are ready to begin on time.

We suggest wearing layers of clothes which are easy to move in and you can adjust so the temperature is right for you. If you have your own Yoga mat and/or a Yoga bolster or some blankets, please do bring these – for your own extra comfort and warmth.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email Neal at or phone on 021 180 7867.

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