Move And The
Way Will Open

with Sacha Paddy

Open Floor Dance 10 week online series
with Sacha Paddy
29th May – 7th August 2024 (no session July 10th)
7.30pm–9pm NZT
Sliding scale contribution $180 – $250

Move and The Way Will Open Course Flyer 2024

Move And The Way Will Open

a 10 Week Open Floor Dance online course with Sacha Paddy
29th May – 7th August 2024 (no session July 10th)
7.30pm–9pm NZT
Sliding scale contribution $180 – $250
(please contact Sacha if you would like to join but need to pay less)

Each week will focus on one of the core movement resources (CMR’s), the fundamental embodiment tools of Open Floor. Taking somatic enquiry into dance, then integrating with other creative tools and sharing to have a rounded and grounded experience of each of these essential life enhancing resources.

The Movement Resources are an incredibly valuable way to support ourselves both on and off the dance floor. Exploring them will be dynamic, uplifting, connecting, rich and potentially transformative.

The 10 Core Movement Resources are:

  1. Ground
  2. Centre
  3. Spatial Awareness
  4. Expand & Contract
  5. Release
  6. Towards & Away
  7. Activate & Settle
  8. Dissolve
  9. Vector
  10. Pause

Join us for the goodness of movement, community and commitment to your dancing soulful path.

All are welcome!

Please complete the form below to register for Move And The Way Will Open.

Sacha is a certified Open Floor Movement Teacher. She has been dancing and loving conscious movement for 18 years.

She offers an inclusive space to explore your dance deeply and playfully.
More about Sacha here >>

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