Yoga Teacher Training
with Contemporary Yoga

Yoga Alliance and Yoga New Zealand certified ongoing courses throughout the year. >>

Next Training Dates
9 x Weekends April to August 2020
2×9 Days, August to October 2020

Further dates and bookings here >>

Neal is a founding member and a part of the core faculty for Yoga Alliance and Yoga New Zealand certified Yoga Teacher Training at Contemporary Yoga Training.

Passionate about yoga? Inspired to share and teach?

Dive into the foundations of anatomy, alignment and movement in a way that is safe, stable, easeful and empowering with a faculty of passionate, experienced and inspiring teachers.

With every breath and movement, you’ll be supported to find your own feet, resource strength from within, and give voice to the passion that calls you to share.

“An investment in the rest of my life.”
Sarah Hart

Why train with Contemporary Yoga?

It’s like going back to when your body first moved and first breathed.

Step by step, we’ll reintroduce you to the wisdom and resources already within and give you the tools to bring your inner teacher out.

It’s a rediscovery of how to move, breathe, feel and teach, the way you were born to.

“This training surpassed all expectations – challenging, inspiring, and deeply informative.”
Bridget McNamara

“It is my great privilege to be a part of the Contemporary Yoga Teacher Training. How wonderful to be involved with an incredibly skilled team of teachers who bring a huge range of knowledge and expertise to the course.” Neal Ghoshal

What makes this training special is the truly holistic approach to to movement and the body, breath, mind, emotions and spirit.

The course not only aims to guide students to become fantastic yoga teachers, it also invites them into a deep friendship with their body and breath.

Through experiential anatomy and movement enquiries, by encouraging a fascination and curiosity about our body and movement and how we develop, by discovering how yoga asana (postures) may unfold naturally, without strain, and how they may be sustained with ease. We can arrive at our full conscious embodiment and find our true place here in our lives.

  • Go Beyond Asana
  • Passionate Teachers
  • Grow Your Yoga

  • Affordable and Flexible

  • 200 hour programmes and Advanced Training Modules

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